Votergrams beat protest any day

Posted by: admin - Posted on:

Recent riots, the downing of a Federal Senator by Police, protests and counter protests illustrate perfectly the wrong way for people to attempt to influence democratic governments such as we have in Australia.

Protests offend the very people who can help most, are often more about discrediting a political party than gaining change. Protests are, like strikes, a form of bullying. Their appeal is that the protesters have the feeling of unity, a feeling of being an untouchable gang.

Voters hold enormous power as can be seen by the way the major parties are carrying on in NSW with an election imminent. Pork Barrelling prevails. Promises are about $30 billion in return for votes.

If voters vote to get those promises, that encourages government to not provided any of the infrastructure or services that we need during the parliamentary term and hold them all up until the next election when they can be rolled out.

Let Voters Network know, if you think there should be no grants during the 12 months before any election, or make your alternative suggestion.

Vote on past performance of the politicians and parties in question. That is the best guide to their future performance. Promises are easy. Action is much more difficult.

Many voters holding that influential Votergram Voice in their hands that every single voter has, often take the last century option of surrendering that power to some organisation with the expectation that it will have more power than they do. But of course organisations do not get to vote in state and federal elections, so that voting power is neutralised. Sometimes thousands of voters do that and their Votergram Voices, which would persuade almost any government on any issue, are neutralised by the organisation that has no vote. But the organisation does often get government funding, which neutralises it too.

Votergrams are superb used by individuals, but they are even better if used by organisation members to add electoral power to the fundamental logic of the arguments put by their organisation. One national organisation and its members scored $45 billion of government support through a joint campaign effort.

The moral of the story is that you get more support from politicians by polite persuasion than by protest. Votergrams put Australian voters light years ahead of any other democracy in the world.

Put “protests” in the rubbish bin and Votergram your way to a better life by guiding government to do what you want.


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