Will we Aussies just sit back and let this happen?

Posted by: admin - Posted on:

begging bowl or ballot box

Will we Aussies just sit back and let this happen?

It happens because not enough Aussies care enough to do anything to stop it! If we voters do not care enough to do something you can be sure that our representatives in parliament will not care enough to do anything. They are guided by us, for if they don’t please us they can lose their careers in parliament. When we care they care and they can fix absolutely anything. Aussies using Votergrams have proven that for almost 40 years.


Robodebt- is extortion okay if done by politicians & public servants earning money from it on our public payroll, victimising fellow Australians? Even if the victims who can’t pay up commit suicide?


It is sensible to bring in 4 times as many migrants as  our natural increase, boosting demand when it causes crises like we now have of homelessness, high home prices, unaffordable mortgage debt, cost-of-living, lack of enough schools, hospitals, police, courts, roads, doctors, teachers nurses, family and other public services because treasury cannot afford to pay for them, robotics rule and recession looms?

Pay rates

The top pay of an Australian company CEO in Australia in 2023 is said to have been $30 million. Average earnings of Aussies was under $100,000. So top pay is 300 times the average. Is that fair?


Former NSW Education head Ken Boston confirms that “governments have encouraged the growth of non-government schools at the expense of public schools, to shift the cost of education from the public purse”. Should we really let financially incompetent politicians privatise education & disadvantage the 60% of Aussie parents who value and depend on it now? Or should we make Public Schools equal to or better than the private system?

Road toll

Death at the hand of a driver deliberately driving dangerously for the excitement of it, lasts for life. For punishment to fit the crime should gaol term be for life too?

Deaths in custody

Yet another (mentally ill) Aboriginal lady dies in custody, due to, amongst other things negligence at Silverwater NSW and her being allowed to defend herself in court. Aboriginal leaders and supporters keen to see their people get a fair go, please contact greg@fairgo.org and let’s stop this public service killing, neglect and abuse. Current Aboriginal advisors and leaders seem to have no idea how democracy works nor any desire to learn.


All of the above can be effectively dealt with by interested, caring, everyday Australians joining voters.au and developing solutions. Voters.au is free and has no party politics.


The proven way to work with our elected MPs is via votergrams.au. It is cheap, easy and effective! MPs are very receptive when approached the Votergram way. They have been our source of fair outcomes for all Aussies for the past 40 years. Contact greg@votergrams.au for assistance or more information on getting it.

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