How you guide them is more important than who you elect

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US presidential candidatesHow you guide them is more important than who you elect

Guide the government that is elected, whoever they are. People often forget this important step. Elections are like football games – winsome, lose some. The elected MPs cannot possibly know what 27 million people want done on hundreds of topics. They do what they are persuaded by voters to do.
How voters guide their parliament (or congress) to do what they want is far more important than who the voters elect. Running the country is quite different to electioneering.

In Australia we know that for the past 38 years thousands of Aussies have, for as little as a $55 influenced the shape of their society by Votergram reaching every MP in any or every parliament.  Any voter can start guiding the parliament to do what they want, regardless of who is their local member or which party is in government.

MPs value voter input

Their Votergrams are political party neutral, so all MPs treat them the same way. MPs are our representatives not our leaders, though a few of the 225 federal MPs do become leaders. But they must lead as  the majority of voters want or they will be replaced next election. Voters have great influence, but most don’t use it and so suffer in silence.

Votergrams come to MPs  politely and in a friendly way from a voter serious enough to spend money on it and so possibly serious enough to vote according to how MPs respond or even to persuade other voters to vote according to how different MPs respond. MPs depend on votes for their jobs.

80% less wealthy own the majority of votes

A tiny rich, powerful and vocal minority currently control  federal and state Australian governments, because the silent majority allow them to. It makes the rich far richer far faster as they drain the money out of society and push the rest deeper into debt. But the general community holds hundreds of times more votes and so can use its persuasive power to influence parliaments to shape society for the benefit of the less wealthy 80% rather than for the 5% of super wealthy billionaires who pay big money to political parties. That money is used to buy votes. But 80% of the voters own 80% of the votes and so can control election results if they wish to share a bit more in Australia’s health, wealth and happiness.

Any Australian can become a very Influential Voter by using ultra-cheap  Votergrams.

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