Category: cost of living crisis
How you guide them is more important than who you elect
How you guide them is more important than who you elect Guide the government that is elected, whoever they are. […]
Another win for Votergrams
Aussies who care do their share! Australians who care enough about any issue are needed to help shape society. Our […]
Fair Go via Votergrams for Aussies
It surprises me that 40 years after we invented our Votergrams and Moneygrams, some Australians are still having trouble dealing […]
The Votergram Revelation
Government Government bureaucrats, public servants and contractors are paid and resourced by your taxes to deliver good, honest and fair […]
Support for Regional, Rural and Remote Australians
Not every Goanna gets onto the roof, but every Australian voter can influence government if they are as determined as […]
Turbocharging democracy by Votergram!
As in many things, there is a change in Aussie democracy. Traditionally the government ran the show and the people […]
MPs serving neither immigrants nor Australians
Immigrants & Aussie have similar needs Politicians cannot bring in 737,000 migrants into Australia and not understand that in addition […]
Let’s help our Federal MPs get it right with the services we need
Australia moves out of a challenging 2023 into a 2024 already plagued by problems that will only be resolved by […]
Time to tackle taxes
Concerned about the Cost of Living Crisis; skyrocketing home mortgages; interest rates? You can persuade politicians to guide government […]