Votergram Plans

Each Votergram tells each and every MP what the sender wants done and explains why.
Parliament is the most powerful body in Australia and it works for the voters.
All votergrams are worded by the senders, with a maximum of 100 words
Message must include the senders, name and postcode.

Cost share your Votergram with up to 5 other voters
Encourage others to send their own Votergrams for more impact
Campaign managers can buy wholesale Silver Votergrams at 25% off RRP


Silver Votergram

Clearly state what is wanted and why.

Seek government action

Ask a question or

Thank MPs for results or good policy

Costs $55

write your Votergram

Gold Votergram

Professional help with:

Identifying causes and solutions

Wording a strategic persuasive message to explain what you want and why so that politicians understand.

Costs $143

write your Votergram

Platinum Votergrams

Campaign management

Research and solutions

Strategic wording assistance

MP response management

All under your control

contact us