Harness the power of Parliament to achieve your goals
Tell MPs what you want done so they can help you
Harness the power of Parliament to achieve your goals
Tell MPs what your want done so they can help you
They can make it happen
Send your message by Votergram to every Member of Parliament
. . They can make it happen Send your message by Votergram to every Member of Parliament (MP)

Votergrams are:
A strategic, cost-effective communication tool, empowering the Australian people, organisations, peak bodies & businesses.Parliament is the most powerful force in Australia and it represents you.
Contacting each MP increases the chances of success because you reach those unknown MPs interested in your issue.
You need to persuade politicians that your request is justified
Our campaigning success comes from Proof plus Polite and Persistant Political Persuasion in the Privacy of Parliament
Thank you for all you have done for us in getting cross-border permanent care for Peter.
He is going ok and comes home every 2nd week.Bill and Clare ACT/NSW (names changed for privacy)
Thank you for all you have done for us in getting cross-border permanent care for Peter. He is going ok and comes home every 2nd week.
Bill and Clare ACT/NSW (names changed for privacy)
You are just so special and I am proud to be associated with you. You have always been there for me during the ups and downs of Terry's illness and I shall never forget that.
Dianne, Sydney
I am writing to thank you for your ongoing effort in persuading politicians....the first stage of our new school building has been funded and is due to commence very shortly.
Secretary, Rural NSW school P & C (school name withheld)