You could help stop corruption, neglect and incompetence spoiling our Australian dream

Posted by: admin - Posted on:

You could help stop corruption, neglect and incompetence spoiling our Australian dream – just by getting a tiny bit involved!

Would you please consider sparing 5 minutes a month (an hour a year) to share your views on issues that interest you with all Members of Parliament, our ultimate decision-makers, by joining Voters Network ?

Or even better would you send your own Votergram to every Member of your Parliament? The cost is tiny.

How much corruption, neglect and incompetence in government can you tolerate before it seriously damages all of our lives & those of children and grandchildren? We are all busy, but our democracy is driven by those who influence MPs, for those who influence MPs and those they care for.

At present, due to voter neglect, Australia is driven by the rich and powerful, the media barons, politicians, political parties and political donors, all primarily for themselves. Most people, quite logically, think of themselves first.

For the past 35 years thousands of Australians, avoiding party politics, have used Votergrams themselves or in campaigns managed by FairGO for their organisations, to politely and persistently guide our parliaments along an honest and fair path. But there are 16 million voters in Australia, so Australia needs more people to share their views on what should be done in order to balance the playing field to accommodate families, everyday Australians, salary & wage earners, business owners and farmers.

Please join our Voters Network, now, use and recommend our Votergrams and do your bit for Australia. Voters Network isĀ  free and funded by member donations. Votergrams and FairGO are both partly funded by fees and partly by donations from the network.

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