Big Business Bosses oppose “government for the people”!!

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Big Business Bosses oppose “government for the people”!!

Read on to find out how you as a voter can get our parliaments, public services and society working for you!

“None of this serving the people nonsense!” says Big Business.

“None of this Populism stuff, doing what the people want”, business leaders told our politicians this week. “populism is doing what is popular with the people, as in “government of the people, by the people for the people”. Ultra-rich Big Business Bosses want Australia run for them, not the rest of us Aussies.

That’s not hard  to understand. Most of us tend to look after ourselves first. These guys are probably on $500,000 a month, so life works well for them.

How in our democratic society, can the Big Business Bosses, when they have so few vote in elections, control Australian society and make politicians do their bidding? Partly because they say what they want and ask for it to be done. But there is more to it than that.

Big Business Bosses also bribe, bully and threaten our politicians and political parties to make sure that the government does what Big Biz wants. It substantially funds election campaigns of political parties, lends parties money when needed and provides loans for homes. The old saying comes true, “Those who pay the piper, call the tune”. Political parties received nearly $200 million in donations in the year leading up to the 2022 federal election. Business people always look at the ROI ( Return On Investment).
Big business employs 1,000 or more highly skilled lobbyists to politely bully politicians into doing what Big Business wants. It pays hundreds of millions of dollars to political parties and MPs as “donations”. It threatens to run multi-million dollar advertising and public relations campaigns against any politician or party who offends it.

Big Businesses, small businesses and medium businesses do need a voice to government and they need to be able to run their businesses honestly, efficiently and profitably. But there is no need for them to shape government policy so that it enriches them and impoverishes or makes life hard for millions of other Aussies.

Let’s make Australia work well for the rest of us too. Votergrams make that easy.

What do we want?

Many of us want good affordable housing, public health services, Gonski funding for all public schools, Tafes and universities, public transport, environment protection, protection from crime, child and aged care and good public welfare services funded by our taxes.


Now! If we work together on what we want we can have it. It just requires us working together for common goals, using Votergrams to level the playing field.

People power

There are 17 million voters in Australia and they control 17 million votes that control all parliamentary careers. The Big Business Bosses would be lucky if they controlled 17,000 votes. We are the majority by a long way and that gives us everyday Aussies great power and influence when we agree on what we want.

Policies favouring Big Business have caused a disastrous situation in Australia by forcing governments to do what makes most money for the Big Business Bosses and I speak as a businessman.

People are homeless living in tents and caravans while business bosses live in mansions. Many Aussies are in unaffordable debt due to house prices and the cost-of-living-crisis, hospitals are hopelessly overcrowded and unable to deal with patient numbers, schools are being closed down or merged, education budgets and teacher training slashed, crime is prevalent on our streets with murders a regular occurrence, domestic and sexual violence in our homes is at frightening levels, doctors, nurses and teachers are overworked as politicians keep bringing in more and more migrants to enrich the Big Business Bosses. But those migrants expect, need and deserve lifetime services provided and paid for by the Australian people .

Parliaments are dependent on our votes. They need our encouragement and endorsement of strategies that will work to improve our situations. Our MPs are great people and very helpful. I have helped Australian voters deal with them since the Votergram service began in 1986. They will help us if we work together and then with them. For government to be “for the people” it needs to be “By the people” via a parliament we control, not “by Big Business” via parliament that Big Business controls.

JOIN NOW! Voters Network, input by the people for the people

To have Australia shaped to please you, join Voters Network now, free of cost and party politics. Voters Network, is a movement “by the voters for the voters”.

If you know what you want now, send a Votergram now. Votergrams make it easy for every Aussie.

It may be a hospital bed for a child, better facilities for a school, affordable housing or lower densities, a new hospital, a reduction in crime, mental health care, pay or tax rates, better banking services. Politicians always respond in some way and if what you seek is good, fair and honest the chances are that you will get it. If your need is urgent the chances are that you will get it quickly.

Voters can control Australian society for the benefit of the Australian people. When you want something done, it pays to go to the people with the power to make it happen. No point telling your family, friends and neighbours. Tell parliament, the body of people you elect and pay for exactly that purpose.


Votergrams were invented specifically to make that easy for you. You can send your 100 word message to all MPs in any Australian parliament via the website or by email to Votergrams are your cheap, easy and simple pathway to the most powerful people in Australia – Your Parliaments.

If you don’t big Business will continue to run Australia for its own benefit via the parliaments it controls even though they are elected and paid for by you.

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