3 V’s for Voters – Voterlobby – Votergrams – Voters Network

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SMH – Lobbyists and ex-politicians win defence dollars

Big Business lobbyists and former MPs who have learned the ropes of democracy and made parliamentary contacts whilst on our payroll, will always have a big say in how our tax money is spent and who benefits from it. Todays Sydney Morning Herald reports on it again.

That is why we have established Voterlobby. To give our 27 million Australians, of whom 17 million are the voters who determine political careers,  even more political influence.

Parliament serves those who speak up- nicely and informatively

Our members of Parliament are not half as corrupt, negligent or incompetent as we are led to believe. Let us understand that they cannot please all of the 27 million Australians or 17 million voters they represent. We all have different priorities and opinions.

Not everything in parliament is based on a vote, but everything is based on majority opinion – a majority of the parliament, the caucus, the party room, the cabinet.

Voters own the votes that control MP careers

Voterlobby has for decades enabled voters small business, farmers and their organisations to  persuade parliament to do what is wanted. It is no good getting angry about a business using its political contacts to win defence contracts, or banking privileges, development contracts, that earn the owners millions or billions of dollars profit.

We voters can exert our own pressure to ensure that our tax money and the money that politicians so quickly borrow to cover their financial deficits, it used as we want it. Whilst we can have widely differing opinion on many matters there will be many on which we agree. They may relate to health care, environment, education, careers, climate change , immigration, transport, inland development, population, taxes and housing or completely different topics.

Community conferencing

In Voterlobby’s associated Voters Network we have Topic Teams who are already influencing decisions on many areas of government, quietly and without fuss, but with good logical arguments.

We help voters work WITH government, not against it. That is a philosophy that works well in most fields. When we ignore our parliamentarians, they can be bullied and bribed by big business. When we stand by them and offer good sound alternatives they mostly do what we say. Active Voters win the day. Others win when we stay away

It is no good complaining. It’s all about campaigning, politely, persistently persuading politicians with good sound solutions in the privacy of parliament.


It is caring enough to act that counts

If you care at all about how Australia is going, how our society is shaping, about making Australia fair for those most disadvantaged as well as the richest, Voterlobby and Votergrams are there for you to use.

It is no good saying “they” ought to do something, or somebody should do something about it. You are the one to do something and the 3Vs for voters make it easy for you to do.

If we, the people, do not identify the problems, find the solutions and put them to every one of the Members of Parliament who are elected and paid to represent us, then they will never know what we want done.

Then they will just do what the big business bosses, lobbyists, former MPs and bureaucrats ask them to do in order to get a bigger share of our taxes. That is why some of them earn a million or more a month. How good would it be if your own Voterlobbying could earn you and others a few hundred or a few thousand extra dollars a month?

Silence is leaden for the voters, golden for the opportunists

The silent majority by definition can never be heard and so will always be neglected. Flick the switch and become an influencer of government instead of suffering in silence. Voterlobby , Votergrams and Voters Network exist to give you all the power and influence you need for a better life.

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