Support for Regional, Rural and Remote Australians

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Goanna on tin roof of slab hut in rural Australia

Not every Goanna gets onto the roof, but every Australian voter can influence government if they are as determined as this goanna was to get onto the roof of Greg’s garage.

Those who live in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia are seriously disadvantaged and ignored by governments compared to those living in capital cities.  That despite the equal importance of each and every Australian, their contribution to our culture and our economy. Some live in appalling houses; roads are dangerous; railway lines lie unused; hospitals are non-existent and schools sub-standard. Adults and children suffer as would not be tolerated in the city. They deserve much more government support!


The neglect is caused by distance from parliament and silence from the regions. One local MP cannot have any significant impact in a parliament of 100 or 200 MPs half of whom dislike the other half. Every MP needs to know what is needed because only a few MPs will be interested and parliamentary decisions are based on majority opinions.

What do you need?

What is bugging you? What do you or your community need from government? Why do you need it? Are people dying of neglect; poor from lack of education and jobs; abused  or abusing others through frustration at their living conditions? Are government services like Police or Welfare helping or hindering, if there at all?

If you let us know, we can help you put your request before every Member of Parliament in a way that will encourage them to do what you want if it is fair and sensible.

Getting results

Most of us buy what we see on the supermarket shelf that reminds us we need it. Our elected MPs, our representatives in parliament, act the same way. They attend to those matters raised by us voters. The more MPs are asked, the more voters who ask and the more reasons given, the more the parliament is likely to make government do it.


1 voter sending 1 Votergram got generic medicines dispensed.  1 voter sending 1 Votergram got Victims Impact Statements introduced to court cases. 20 voters had smoking banned on commercial airlines world wide. 200 voters saved the Perisher Valley NSW community ski lodges. If we don’t, as voters, ask all MPs and explain what we want then they will not even know that we want it or why.

The voter who Votergrams gets results. The silent majority is assumed to be satisfied with what they have.

Greg, a Chartered Accountant invented Votergrams in 1986 to help Australians get a fair go from government. He turned political persuader after seeing the lies and cheating of government towards his own local community. He ran sheep in the middle of NSW and cattle in the south and knows that, like you and me, parliament needs good sound reasons for doing what is asked. Votergrams have helped voters from the Kimberleys to the Red Centre, King Island and Cape York Peninsular get what they want for 40 years.

Greg and Pat are here to help you. If there is something government can do for you, but is not doing, call on 02 9988 3312, 0428 417 496 or 0422907155. Email , .

We are based in Sydney but quite familiar with life in Regional, Rural and Remote Australia. We developed Votergrams to empower you, not us. We don’t receive any government funding. Many advocacy groups are significantly silenced by government funding. Some groups become corrupted by the power they wield. By giving you the power, we avoid that temptation.


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